
Commercial Register Germany

Original company documents directly from official registers worldwide


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Some information may be available at no cost from Handelsregister here .

*€49.00 per month (excl. VAT). Document download from €6.00 (excl. VAT). This is a commercial offer.

Quick & easy - in four steps to original company documents

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Search for company information and documents in more than 115 million companies in over 200 countries and jurisdictions in real-time.

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All documents are from official sources, unaltered, time-stamped and compliant with the latest anti-money laundering regulations (e.g. AMLD4, 5 and 6, BSA, FATF etc.).

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Start with a 7-day trial and get unlimited access to our global network and your personalized document bookshelf, with documents already purchased. Cancel at any time.

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Set the payment method for completing the purchase of the documents and receive the selected documents online as a PDF.

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Customer Information

kompany® provides real-time access to official and authoritative commercial register information, including company filings covering more than 115 million companies in 200+ jurisdictions.

1 global network
200+ jurisdictions
115m+ companies
coverage map

Important Information

An wen richtet sich dieses Service?

Ihre Rechte

This service is intended for business customers (EU Reverse Charge is applicable). You can test our service for free within the first 7 days, enjoy unlimited access to guaranteed official extracts and company documents and immediately benefit from permanently reduced fees on all ordered reports.

7 day trial

Weitere Abo-Möglichkeiten

After the 7-Day Trial, a monthly access fee of €49.00 will be charged. If you do not want to continue with our service, you can contact us at

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find a company?

Just enter the name or a part of it in the search bar. Don't use wildcards such as *.

Select the country and click on the 'Search' button. A list of search results will open. To see all results, use the bar on the right to scroll down.

How can I buy a report?

Just click on the icon of the report you'd like to buy. This does not trigger any payment transaction. Your choice is sent to your shopping cart. To purchase, go to your shopping cart, where your basket of reports are stored. Just click on the amber coloured button which takes you to the payment page and enter your credit card details. Only when you click on Pay or Subscribe will payment be taken.

Why can't I find the company I'm looking for?

Check the spelling.

Leave out parts such as ltd, search by part of the name rather than with the full name.

Instead of searching by brand or trade names, use the real name. You can usually find the name of a company in the masthead or imprint on their website.

How do I get my report?

After log-in, on the company details page, just click on the purchased report icon and your report is displayed.

Alternatively, go to your bookshelf and click on the icon bearing the company's name. The report is displayed in PDF format. You can now store or print the report of your choice. Please bear in mind the rules for using the report as laid out in our General Terms and Conditions.

I still can't find the company - what can I do?

Please send an email to our Customer Service Team using the Business Concierge Service Form, we will be taking care of your request immediately.

I need a report I bought some time ago - how can I get a copy?

You find all reports after log-in in your bookshelf or send an email to our Service Team.

Do you have any further questions?

Please contact us by e-mail or phone.
We are looking forward to help you as quickly as possible!

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